Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ankommer Till Lund

Hey y'all,

I'm going to try my best to keep frequent updates of my carryings-on in Sweden on this blog. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, I've been in Sweden for a couple of days now, and -- true to form -- I've been partying and acting up. Those pictures are forthcoming. For now, here are a few photos from my arrival:

The first night, I CouchSurfed with a chap living a bit north of Lund. Actually, he lived in the middle of nowhere, as may or may not be evident from this photo. Not Chicago, anyway. But...

...he DID have a rad projector, perfect for watching the Olympics. The mannequins had been found the week before in a dumpster outside of a store. When I awoke in the middle of the night and saw those two things standing there in the dark, I kinda freaked.

The village, Eslöv, was hosting a quiz game, apparently. Like I can read this nonsense (yet).
This last photo is actually from Lund. Dig it.

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